Call for Abstracts
Abstracts are a vital part of the meeting, which showcases the latest and best science that advances our understanding of the different areas of Human, Animal and Environmental Health, their applications and integration. We are seeking quality research and experiences representing diverse perspectives on topics linked to the One Health concept.
Abstracts can include:
New research: Unpublished, original research and/or secondary analysis of data
Methods: Newly established or characterized methods, or evaluations of existing methods
Protocols: Descriptions of proposed studies, or recruitment and process results of newly started studies
Case studies: Dissemination of new knowledge gained from specific cases
Rules for submission of scientific abstracts:
Only abstracts submitted by email will be accepted:
Only abstracts submitted according to the template rules (as described below) and using the template provided (download) will be accepted
Only abstracts submitted in English will be accepted
Authors should indicate the type of presentation intended (oral communication or poster), and it is reserved to the Scientific Committee to confirm or change the type of presentation, which will be timely communicated
Deadline for abstracts submission: 6th October 2023
Format rules for abstracts submission:
Use Times New Roman for all text including headings
Abstract title: 14 point, bold, sentence case (capitals for proper nouns only).
Authors' names: 11 point. Initials of the first name should come after the family name for each author. The presenting author should be underlined. Use superscript number to indicate different affiliations.
Authors affiliation: 11 point, sentence case (capitals for first letter and proper nouns only), provide email address of first or presenting author and each affiliation defined by a superscript number.
Abstract text: 12 point, not exceeded 500 words or it fits on one page
Your abstract must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.docx) and not as pdf.
All abstracts must be submitted using the email: